Wuf is moving on from where we works to someplace else.
Making more money !
Yay! money
i need a better job to
Went up Saturday to help my dad do stuff and be up there for Father's day.
Got a ton of work done...Man am I going to be sore for a few days and also got a bit crispy in the sun.
Mowed like an acre or so, moved some heavy logs and had scrubbed the outside of the house...I still smell like bleach.
HAL4 surgery in progress
Bag full of capacitors for the server $25
Get a call from Will, AC not working in his car, picked up refrigerant $25
Gas is $1.75, $40 in gas did not fill my tank.
Get home and check out the Ac issue, my AC recharging and testing tool doesn't fit the service port.
Get out air compressor to clean motherboard...outside electrical socket blows up.
Go to another socket, compressor comes on, never shuts off - shutoff switch is bad.
Soldering on motherboard, none of my irons will melt the solder but they do burn the motherboard...now it's really toast.
out of wine, out of money, out of patience, out of luck
HAL3, my home server...has died.
Capacitor death.
It's not likely that with as many caps as have died on this old board that I'll be able to revive it.
It's a Socket775, i don't remember what proc is in it but i don't really have any money to waste on a home file server so i'm looking for something secondhand from somebody. I can't pay money but I'll do just about anything else.
Nothing new or exciting.
Just setting here in the hospital getting my Remicade treatment.
Doing pretty good health wise.
Still struggling with money and trying to get stuff paid for, all my money goes towards life expenses with nothing left over for any perks so it kinda makes life somewhat just a meaningless struggle to pay for other peoples happiness.
There is something introspectively saddening about having a life literally in your hands and feel it slip away, wishing all you want for another outcome, you feel it take it's last breath and are powerless to stop its life from ending. I wonder what others feel or would feel in that moment. Life is an odd contradiction, we don't feel sadness when we eat that hamburger. It is different though, that life was not taken for no reason, it was to give life to yourself. Creatures live and die by their own hand and fate every day. It makes me sad to see a dead animal on the side of the road, but I really like hamburgers. I do wish the creatures who's lives were taken for for me to sustain myself were not lives lived in pain or discomfort but I do little to actively stop it. Perhaps its the detachment from the act that makes it bearable. I have taken the life of animals during a hunt, ate of their flesh; is that different? I would like to think much like some of the natives of this land thought in which that animal allowed it self to be taken for me to survive and I should thank it for it's sacrifice, it's spirit will not feel wasted and the act gives it a grander purpose. Perhaps that purposed spirit will return to feed me again, perhaps the act of it's sacrifice imbues it with the ability to expand and become something more than it was. Thank you little bunnies for giving me feeling, sadness and humility. I am sorry I did not posses the power to keep you on this earth and that I did not see your little spot in Nature in time to prevent me from taking it from you.
So...I was mowing the yard Saturday morning and I happened to stop for no real reason. Just almost under the mower deck I found an odd looking clump of what I thought was yard litter. Then i saw the fur. Crap, i just came across a carcass I thought. nope, I raked up back to find this pile of cuteness...Shit.
Time to Google... well..momma only comes twice a day. Dawn and dusk. I happened to catch her at dusk and watched from a window. The area has changed so much that she could not find the nest. I have been watching at the right times and she has not came back and there is a strategically places leaf on the nest. The temperature went from 75 to 40 and it's raining so I decided momma is not coming back.
This type of animal is very hard to re-rehabilitate without the stuff and knowledge to properly do it. Google will help nut if anyone can help me out here; I could use it.
I don't normally start with a facebook post but it's the only way to write a review to Tidy Cats.
You have seen the commercials for Tidy Cats light weight litter, and Walmart seem to now carry ONLY it.
Any review on this produce that is more that 3 stars must be fake or paid for. This litter has one good quality, it is in fact light weight. Oder control is not good and on par with the cheap generic brands litter. Dust is crazy, it's like a cloud of fine dust makes up half the product. Clumping action and urine absorption is also much lower that other products, again I would say it's on par with the generic brands. If you want generic brand quality but brand name prices then this liter is for you. If you have cats however, this litter is not for you. Find a store that still has the multi cat litter or just buy the no name stuff.
Very disappointed in you tidy cats; this is an inferior product but you put out commercials to hock it to the seemingly moronic general T.V. swilling population anyway.
Will is off for a handful of days so we were wanting to spend some time together and mebe go out. Money stopped us but then we came up with some unexpected cash. We went out to eat, my insides we feeling twitchy but...We were going to waste a little time at Wally world before the movie but my insides decided otherwise. Crohn's moment, had to return home.
The is exactly the kinda crap I am getting real tired of. I have an event and if i am not at home when it happens and have access to things to clear it up then I am in pain for the rest of the night. And it was a late night, I got things under control around 2am.
Also, Those commercials Discover has about them treating you like you would treat yourself is a load of fetid stinking shit. They have refused to play nice and negotiate and have opted to sue me instead. Fuckers.
And Snap! ... now its 70 degree.
Weird ass weather.
Soo...had a colonoscopy to see whats going on in there. Everything looks good, which i already knew.
Hopefully when i get the chance to see my surgeon he will be receptive to my ideas and help come up with a way for me to get better. My other Dr was not really listening.
I'ts been long enough, I am tired of the pain.
You know, i don't get to play outside as much as i used to.
I don't really have the time and extended trips to go camping are hard because of my schedule and also the lack of the facilities i need when my crohn's acts up.
But it is pretty outside right now.
Sure my phone takes 9 megapixel images but they need some levels editing ...
I should take the raws to a friend of mine to have him run some magic on them.
From my Wuf
Also, since i have you here....Things are not really all that great with my Crohn's...Went to the DR, did not really get anywhere but I am going to see my Surgeon soon and will have the same discussion with him and he seems more receptive to my situation. Either we come up with a way to repair some of the damage or route around it or i am going to request disability. Life is not worth living if you struggle in pain just to work. I want to live not just be alive.
Good - A very nice person like six houses down delivered my video card to me.
Good - A friend of mine come over to geek out and wrench it into my computer.
Bad - we found two swollen capacitors on the mother board.
Bad - Ubuntu 12.04 hates the video card
Good - Mint 16 doesn't
Good - 15-30 FPS with Shadows, lighting, occlusions and really neat stuff turned on in Second Life. If i had faster internet, it's be really smoken.